TIME is d boss.

Its been quite some time now that I have been preparing for my viva, making drawings, working on my model, slogging my ass, staying up late nights, cos I had decided that I m gonna do well this time and gonna give everything good. I had vivas on two days one after d other, first day was good both d vivas went well. Second day was more important cos it was design viva the most important subject of architecture. I finished my model one day before. There was just one file which was given to my friend and I was to plot (print) that in the morning cos my friend could not email me last night and I had to wait till I get that email which for some bad reasons came to me in the morning at around 6:30am.on the viva day. I don’t know what should I call it my bad luck or bad stars d machine got stuck and I had to wait for my plot to get done which resulted in me reaching my collage late. You must be thinking right, that I must have given my viva and everything went well cos all my work was done even the model was looking good and finished too. But you are wrong, u know what happened? the jurors got pissed off cos I was late and I was marked absent even when I was there, I requested them to take it, but I guess they were not able to hear me at that time, I guess they were not able to here the pain in my voice, I guess they were not able to see the eagerness in my voice, the efforts in my work, nothing they just walked away. I was head struck at that moment and everything went blank when they walked away. All my efforts, all the work everything went into drain in fractions of seconds just because of my one mistake “I was not on time”. It felt as if it was the end of the world for me. I wanted to kill the jurars , I wanted to kill the stupid traffic, I wanted to kill that stupid computer which got stuck, I wanted to kill internet for not working on time, but I wanted to kill myself for all of this. One stupid mistake and that’s it everything got spoilt.

I have always heard some people learn it the hard way, I guess it was the worst way to learn the lesson. The lesson ill never forget ‘TO BE ON TIME’. Everything is been messy since then not able to stop cursing myself cos after all its my fault no matter what. But u know why it hurt me so much because other people who didn’t even have good quality work got chance to show. And when I had everything fished well done I didn’t even get chance to put my point across. It wouldn’t have been bad if they saw my work and didn’t like it, but I didn’t even get the chance. It hurts so bad when u lose even before u try for it. It hurts real bad.


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