“GIRLS” what’s the first thing which comes to ur mind after this world? The physical factor, or the girly factor in her?...What defines a girl?. Physical things are natural but according to my observation, the girly factor plays an important role too. Now talking about girly factors, what does it exactly mean? or what all do fall under the name of “those girly factors”. Hmm let me think.. One most important would be the style, style in walking, dressing, talking as well as expressions. Now u would ask expression also has style, I would say yeah it does, for example I did hear many girls using word “isshh!!” (from movie devdas). And I wondered how natural that was. Or like people assume color PINK to be the girls favorite one. and every time I go for shopping the first color shop fellow shows me would be pink, n have to request him to show anything but pink, then he gets this big question mark on his face as if I m an alien or pink was the only color in his shop.. Dressing up putting up make-up are also known to be girly things. Isn’t natural beauty appreciated?

Style in dressing is fine with me. But style is talking in expression sounds wired to me. Just because I m girl do I need to follow all this. Or to be precise do I need to have those latake- zatake, those addayen. And how would it look if I try n give those intentionally.. I m sure it would look awful. I have many people telling me I m not at all like other girls, or they also end up saying that I m a girl by mistake. :D May be they say it cos I m frank. My way of expression is bold and straight forward. Or as they say it the so called girly factors are missing in me. I personally don’t know if I have those or I don’t, may be they are subtle hidden somewhere in me, which do pop up sometime. But I m a girl after all, may be little tomboy types. What makesa girl, is her emotion, feelings and not all the superficial things.

I would say i m the way I m, and still I m girl... and happy to be different than other girls, whichever way it might be. :)


rauf said…
in other words 'don't be a fake'
i agree. You can't make any one like you with borrowed styles and ideas. Every one wants to be liked. Even a Minkee like me wants to be liked. Its not just the girly factor Darshana. Its not just the girls, even boys borrow style and make a clown of themselves. Being genuinely feminie is very attractive regardless of the looks and style. So naturally you get the pink colour, its supposed to be a feminine colour.

Long time Darshana, hope you are doing well. Computer is a funny thing. i just wanted to stay away from it for a while and i vanished for many of my friends. How important is a computer in your life Darshana ?

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